Eileen Gray Rug

Eileen Gray Rug


Eileen Gray modernist rug.

A beautiful tight low pile cut wool rug in deep black with faded cane, ivory and variations on blue.

Eileen Gray originally designed this rug in the 1930s while she was a part of the UAM ( Union des Artistes Moderne). Her rug designs pay a lot of tribute to the Dutch De Stijl painters.

This signed example was most likely executed in the 1950s. The last photo shows the original gouache that Eileen Gray made as the model for this piece.

France c. 1950s

Materials: 100% Wool

Measurements: 6ft 7" x 6ft 4" (79” x 76”)

Condition: All of our rugs have been professionally cleaned using chemical free processes. They are in excellent condition unless otherwise noted.

Shipping + Delivery: Shipping costs are not included in the sale price as they vary so greatly depending on location. Please contact us for shipping or delivery costs. Local (NY) delivery and pick-up is available, we also ship nationwide and worldwide. We work to obtain the most affordable shipping rates possible while ensuring that pieces are delivered safely.

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